Never fear, Christmas does not need to mean weight gain
Let’s be realistic. What are you hoping for over the Christmas period? If you are on a weight loss journey and you want to continue that trend, then you’re going to have to make some sacrifices here and there. If you are prepared to gain a little, then let’s ditch the guilt. Food should not make us feel guilty. It is there to be enjoyed. So, if you gain a bit of weight, that’s ok. I know I will be!! Christmas Day itself does not generally lead to weight gain; it’s all the other days before and after, so here are my tips to help you avoid gaining too much weight over Christmas.
- Watch your portion sizes. You don’t need to be boring and say no to everything, but do you need to eat that WHOLE box of chocolates in one sitting?!
- Be sensible with your snacks. With lots of nibbles kicking around, the temptation can be too much. If you don’t normally snack, then keep the picky bits out of sight, and if you can’t do that, then check in with yourself now and then. Are you eating it because you’re hungry or because it’s there?
- Don’t scrimp on the protein. Remember, protein will fill you up more.
- Be mindful. When you eat while distracted, you miss your body’s signals that you are full.
- Get your fibre. It will help to fill you up as well as keep your digestive system doing what it needs to do.
- Exercise. Don’t spend the whole of the Christmas period slobbing out in front of the TV. Get out for walks with the family (or on your own if they’re driving you nuts!)
- Prioritise sleep. When I am tired, I eat a lot more. When I am tired, I’m less likely to exercise. And I’m not alone. Lack of sleep plays havoc with our appetite-regulating hormones. So, get plenty of zzzz’s in where you can.
- Reduce stress. I know, I know, it’s a stressful time. But when we are stressed, the hormone cortisol is released. Being stressed over a prolonged period of time has been linked to weight gain. On top of this, if you are constantly on the go, you are more likely to grab unhealthy choices.
- Liquid calories. Yep, those pesky liquid calories add up pretty quickly! I don’t want to be a killjoy, but these sugar-filled drinks are calorific. On top of that, you’re much more likely to get the munchies if you’ve been drinking.
- Plan. Can you bring a dish? Can you check out the menu before you go to that restaurant? Can you decide ahead of time that this is a booze free meal? Take control where you can.
- Do you need that second portion?
- I’ll start again tomorrow. Oooh this is a rotten trap to fall into because tomorrow never comes. It’s amazing how much damage you can do with this one.
- Exercise. It’s so important that I’m putting it in twice! You will NEVER regret a workout. Block out some time in your diary and make it happen. It doesn’t need to be an hour long; 10 minute blocks will do just fine. It all adds up.
- Weigh yourself. You might be tempted to avoid the scales, and whilst I would never suggest weighing yourself more than once a week, a check in every now and then can be helpful in keeping you on the straight and narrow. Head in the sand syndrome is not helpful.
- Stay hydrated. Sometimes our brain gets confused and mistakes thirst for hunger, so keep hydrated.
And if you do gain weight, please don’t beat yourself up. There’s always January and I’ll be right there with you!
If you need any help or advice, drop me a message.